The Princess and the Moon
Pub. Year
1992 (latest publication)
Alfred A. Knopf
0-679-83620-9 (trade)
0-679-93620-3 (lib. bdg)
Sophie has an unexpected adventure when a mystical rabbit travels down a moonbeam and takes her back to the Country of the Moon with him. There she sees the people she knows but they are all happier and more open-hearted––how they would be if they were treated like princes and princesses. In this story, delightfully illustrated by Brian Wildsmith, she learns to treasure other people, to look “as the Moon looks, with royal, bright and caring eyes. And to see the things that matter.”
The Princess and the Moon is also available in Japanese, Chinese (traditional and simplified versions), Korean, Dutch, German, Tagalog, Spanish and Portuguese.
“This is a delightful book with an important message for all children. The illustrations contribute to a wonderfully warm and encouraging tale.”
—Vivian K. Friedman, Birmingham News
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